Artists drawing artists
It is such a gift to be with other artists who are non judgemental and on my side. Even better when we have an agreement to draw one another. 20 Minutes of utter silence and peace to draw someone who doesn’t fidget or shuffle about…or complain e.g. “how long has it been – it feels like ages!” Its right up there alongside cuddles and the first cup of tea….and big earings! It makes me feel that I can breathe again. Creativity really eases the pain of grieving. I don’t know why, maybe its the utter absorbtion, the total focusing I need certainly to make a drawing. The small group I’m in houses artists with very different styles so there’s no competition just wonder. I love seeing drawings come to life and its been a real eye opener to see ME! Whoa “do I look like that?” followed by “well yes I do!”
Afterwards there are snacks and drinks and I’m really hungry. The hours slip by and I feel like time has stood still. Such great pleasure from a pad, a pen and some wonderful creative company.